
Halloween Horror

Gotta mark this 18+ for sure!

An adventure of Fido and me.......


We went visiting a haunted castle

Quite scary, but nothing to compare

With what happened when we got home


How can I describe it to ya?

Will ya ever recover from the horror of it?

If ya ever saw it in person

Ya would never want to see it again


Yes, we returned from the castle

\'Time for bed\', I said, and Fido agreed

(He\'s a talking dog too, ya know!)

And then, as we got upstairs

(He sleeps by my bed)

A sight, an apparition

Too ghastly to behold for long


\'It\'s Halloween night\' Fido said to me

\'Your mind\'s playing tricks on you\'

\'There\'s no-one there\'


\'But look\', I said to Fido

\'There is someone there\'

\'Looks like an old trout\'

\'It\'s....... KP without her make-up on!\'


I forgot that she wears no make-up

On Halloween night! heehee.

Oohh, I am horrible to her - lol.