Bobby O



This good man, nicknamed John Wayne ,had A reckless sense of confrontation, seasoned with his furtive sense of honor, true streetwise code his badge of armor.  
A Strangers clueless stand, insulting innocents out of hand ,A feckless tense situation fueled unreasoned stress and trouble , the otherwise unconverted scholar breathing puffery through tightened collar. 
A perverted Careening uncollected mix of bravado bluffs and parlor tricks. False pride ignoring the timer clicks 
Crossed a line he just can’t fix. 
There’s a kinda hush that’s loud within the crowds like minds , a whispered “OH OH” enjoined all like common Shout. Myself I heard Jim Croce sing,when windy don’t expectorate tug capes pull masks or like fools create 
Some stared anxious for this Strangers fate 
I looked away cuz bloods no fun, I just dialed nine one one