
Health Questionnaire

Now that court’s in session,

I must make this very clear,

if you admit to transgression,

then you’re out of here,


as healing is the aim,

and not some sordid profit,

not taking any blame,

means you suffocate in closet,


wellbeing can’t be gambled,

it’s literary life or death,

such repeated scandals,

makes the loss of breathe,


so, please just answer questions,

don’t do a Michael Howard,

there’s no hiding from the task,

stop playing elected coward,


as we need to repair,

our core operation,

to ensure that all is not so fair,

isn’t cooperation,


re-earn the right to sit,

in the House supposed to help,

as times run out for deficit,

do you hear our families yelp,


so, take this health questionnaire,

with utmost honesty,

as prolonged disease, is our despair,

such is the quality,


if the verdict is not guilty,

bravo for doing your job,

but if you’re found so filthy,

then cell floor, you will swab!