
a letter from the torso of sublime

a letter from the torso of sublime

foliage blue

through periscope of chards own Halloween;

through the powder of an eye

came fossil fuelled as spite with fingers crossed

through Star Anise

to the wonders of a superficial lie;

anecdotes from the pages of a curse

nurse-maid to modern age of classic verse

rings dead the neck of one less passive year.

last post for humanoid to rattle-snake

a chorus steeped in history and breath

between the lines

biodiverse in a crowd one million strong

as sings one puppeteers untimely death;

where cuts the blade of grass

so shall I sleep

as shallow as a love-torn calf on heat

bandaged head to toe

in bondage-meat;

up to my ass in brambles

the thickets with their soft and gentle thighs.

I shall sing for them a love song

with a twinkle in my eye;