
La Seine

La Seine submits to the Thames and scorns the Volga.

La Seine cock -a yankee-doodle-do- to attract Mississipi.

La Seine fears the yellow river peril and is at attention 

facing the guard along the Rhine.

La Seine has not a tear for  the Jordan 

its cancan jealous of the elegant Danube 

and lost in the millennia of the Ganges ...

Little hoodlum, your head dancing on a pick,

    la Seine turning reddish ,

fifes and drums along your banks ,

   la Seine sailing greyish !

Under the Mirabeau bridge flows a stream

ending up in the little story gutters .

Brussels the humble, Paris the great 

mocking your crumbs and waffles ...

Our little canal called \'\'La Seine \'\'

carries dead rats and epidemics  

in the arms of an unmarried mother

who thinks to be a sea...