GenXer Shamrocker ☘️

Empty Nest

     I was never taught how this phase of motherhood would affect me; when our kids grow into the adults that they need to be. How when they leave our home we’re suddenly unsure of who we are; yes our kids come back home but there’s an ache within our hearts. We go from reading bedtime stories to teaching them how to share; to getting those ever so much needed neck hugs that let’s us know they care. To sending them off to kindergarten and making new friends. Play dates at our houses with fun that doesn’t seem to end! Suddenly their in high school and sports are next on the list! That ache in our heart really starts to twist. We know senior year is not too far away. With all our heart and soul we hold on tight to memories. Our mind replays the moment we found out we were pregnant and how overjoyed we were. Those nine months we carried them felt like forever to us! As they leave the home we’re taking by surprise; yes we are happy for them but we can’t help but cry. Suddenly our job is done and now they’re on their own; we are blessed if our children choose to come back home. We will always be Mom just in a different way; in our hearts is where our children stay.