Mason Vollman


It starts as a spark, a gentle flame, A whispered promise without a name. In tender moments, it finds its birth, A miracle unfolding on this earth.

Love, a symphony of joy and pain, A dance of sunshine and soothing rain. With every heartbeat, it softly sings, A melody that life\'s sweetness brings.

It blooms like flowers in the spring, In every season, it takes to wing. A warm embrace in the darkest night, Love\'s gentle power, a guiding light.

In quiet whispers and passionate cries, In laughter, tears, and starlit skies, It weaves a tapestry, bold and bright, A tale of love, a beacon of light.

Love\'s tapestry, a masterpiece divine, In every soul, its colors intertwine. A gift so precious, pure and free, Love\'s boundless grace for you and me.

So let us cherish, embrace, and adore, The beauty of love, forevermore. For in its embrace, we truly find, The essence of life, in every kind.


-Mason Campbell Vollman