Shy silly soul

Am I finding myself in Love or Loosing myself in love

Am I finding myself in love or losing myself in love?
Is this a blessing from above or a curse from below?
Am I soaring high like a dove or falling fast like a crow?

Am I finding myself in love or losing myself in love?
Is this a feeling of joy or a feeling of pain?
Am I gaining a new life or losing an old one?

Am I finding myself in love or losing myself in love?
Is this a journey of discovery or a journey of loss?
Am I learning more about myself or forgetting who I am?

Am I finding myself in love or losing myself in love?
Is this a question of choice or a question of fate?
Am I following my heart or following my mind?

Am I finding myself in love or losing myself in love?
Is this a dilemma of hope or a dilemma of fear?
Am I embracing the future or clinging to the past?

Am I finding myself in love or losing myself in love?
Is this a paradox of love or a paradox of life?
Am I living a dream or living a lie?

“Love is not a destination, but a journey. Sometimes you lose yourself along the way, and sometimes you find yourself in the process. But no matter what, love is always worth it.”