Abrahamic Blood on Bloodshed

In lands where ancient whispers play,

The heirs of Abraham stand today.

With histories entwined, they tread,

Yet brothers\' blood is often shed.


A sacred land they both desire,

The Promised Land, where hearts aspire.

Yet in this quest, they often forget,

The bond that makes their fate beget.


In holy texts, their faith does soar,

But love and grace are often ignored.

For messages of peace reside,

In scriptures vast, side by side.


Their cultures, and histories, are so vast,

But a common heritage is cast,

Humanity\'s shared ancestry,

Unites them in diversity.



Amid conflicts and alliances,

Their shared destiny seeks compliance.

To coexist, and strive to find,

A path to peace for all mankind.


Amidst their reasons, just and wise,

A common conscience deeply lies.

A moral thread in hearts is spun,

To guide their actions, one by one.


With weapons and power, they are blessed,

Yet they share a mortal\'s chest.

Their vulnerability is their link,

To the circle of life, they all must drink.


In victories and losses past,

A common sorrow they\'ve amassed.

For grief knows not of creed or race,

It\'s etched on every human face.


In hopes and dreams, they all believe,

A vision is shared; they can\'t deceive.

A future bright, of peace and grace,

Where tears of joy replace the chase.


For though they differ, and may part,

A common thread runs through each heart.

The same blood flows through every vein,

The blood of Abraham\'s timeless reign.


They are the blood of Abraham\'s name,

Seeking mercy in God\'s domain.

The blood of Abraham cries for peace,

The blood that makes all wars cease.


But still, they shed the blood of kin,

In a vicious, endless spin.

Innocence is swept away,

Innocent lives, the price they pay.


Toddlers, newborns, and the unborn,

Innocent souls, to death, are torn.

Dreams shattered, and hearts do break,

As hatred, on their minds, does stake.


Mothers weep, and children mourn,

A generation\'s future is torn.

Their cries for peace are all in vain,

Amidst the cycle of endless pain.


Why do they spill the blood so pure,

Innocence so bright and sure?

A precious, holy, sacred flow,

In every heartbeat, it does show.


Brothers and sisters, flesh and bone,

Linked by blood and faith\'s cornerstone.

The gift from God, a sacred trust,

A sign of His covenant, a must.


With witness to His boundless grace,

And testimony of His embrace.

How could they spill this blood so dear,

With hatred\'s poison and war\'s veneer?


How can they spill the blood so blessed,

That\'s interwoven, divinely dressed?

It\'s their own kin\'s and family\'s core,

The blood that flows in evermore.


The gift from God is a sign,

Of love divine, both yours and mine.

A testament to His eternal might,

A promise, radiant and bright.


Cease the bloodshed, end this plight,

For sacred blood cries out for right.

Justice calls for every soul,

Dignity is every goal.


Let\'s heal the blood of Abraham,

Make peace and unity our psalm.

The bond that ties them, ever strong,

In shared brotherhood, they belong.


To honour the blood they both embrace,

And make their homeland a better place.

The wisdom they\'ll find in unity,

A lesson learned, in sanctity.


A drop of blood, the world does see,

Innocence lost, it\'s plain to be.

End the war, let peace take hold,

For the stories yet to be told.


The blood of Abraham, pure and kind,

A message to all of humankind.

Let\'s stop the shedding, let there be peace,

May war and hatred finally cease.