
I am Sorry.

After a fight, 
I am sorry , He said.
The situation was tense.
As it was a complex fight by them made.

Well it\'s easy, isn\'t it?
To hurt and break the heart of other person..
And then come with a sorry...
As an excuse to be forgiven.

She was extremely angry on him...
For she did not agree with him...
She decided to ignore him and his wish...
And swam away fast like a fish...

But then she realised..
What\'s the use of being angry...
She soon understood...
The best way is showing mercy..

Then she told him it\'s okay...
And smiled and said sorry too...
It was a delightful scene as...
It joined back relation of the two!

She then later went and sat on a bench...
Thinking about the fight that was tense...
She soon realised the reason, drops falling from her eyes, like a dew...
It was nothing, just a difference in their point of view!


- Sahil Dhobale.