Kevin Michael Bloor


You’re gonna burn with jesus-fire.
(I\'m quoting God, and He’s no liar!)
But if you make Him Lord and Master
you\'ll dodge damnation’s dread disaster.

You\'re gonna live, and live forever.
When slender strand will snap and sever
your soul, from body you’ve got used to,
you\'re gonna sup some savage strange brew

unless you trust the man, JC.
(From fascist fears He’ll set you free!)
And when that bitter bonfire’s burning,
the wages that your sins were earning,

you won\'t be banking; there\'s no needing:
Jesus Christ’s done all the bleeding!
Forget the pope, the priests, the church.
Despite what science says, YOU search!

If you are called, elect and chosen,
your heart will burn that once was frozen.
And faith will grow by Word and Spirit
when good news of the Lord you hear it!

You’re gonna burn with jesus-fire.
Your situation’s dark and dire.
Let losers scoff and cynics sneer.
YOU come to Christ. Salvation’s near.