
I Don\'t Care

It has taken me some time to realize that things could have been different this entire time,

And that all it would take was for me to dig deep and try and change my mind.

I know that it is something that is easier said than done,

But all I needed to do was convince myself that I would find myself, and that you weren\'t the one.

You broke me so many times, and looking back, I am the one who let you do it,

Cause my heart kept holding on, when my brain kept on telling me to quit.

This whole time I could have been better if I had erased all of my memories of you,

But there is nothing I can do to change the past, and there is nothing else left for me to do.

It doesn\'t hurt anymore when you come up with another excuse as to why you can\'t see me,

And I no longer go to sleep at night and think of all the things that we could be.

Because I finally realized that I am not the problem, it really is you,

Because you were the one who never saw someone who had a love that was so true.

That you took advantage of someone who would always be there for you through thick and thin,

And who was willing to be there for you, no matter what situation you were in.

This whole time allowed you to get inside of my head and make me feel dumb,

But I don\'t care anymore, and I am finally starting to feel numb.

To letting you get inside of my head and make me feel like I am not good enough,

Because after everything that you put me through, I am finally starting to feel tough.

I am tough enough to say goodbye and finally let you go,

I am tough enough to not reach out to you and to finally say no.

I am tough enough to realize that I deserve so much better,

I am tough enough to write down my feelings for you, and then rip up that letter.

I am tough enough to erase all of the memories of you from my mind,

And I am tough enough to realize that I am going to be just find.

Eventually, I will find someone who truly loves me for me,

And I will be able to remove you from my past, and I will finally be free.