And it rained!
It rained and rained.
When it stopped
We went for a walk,
A walk by My River.
The water was so high,
Over the path on one side,
But we could walk.
The water was running so fast,
The normal clear green
A muddy brown colour.
And as we walked
We saw the birds,
The swans and geese
Huddled on the grass,
The river too fast for them,
For them to swim.
But we walked,
Walked along the wonder,
The wonder of My River
Along which I had walked,
Walked so many times.
So many memories were there,
As I remembered,
Remembered so many wonders
That My River brought to me
Over so many years.
And here I was now
Walking by My River
With the wonder in my life,
The wonder that surprised us both,
When this love we have,
Have for each other
Became so strong and so wonderful.
So there we are now
The two of us,
Walking along Our River.