Dev Parth

I\'m Death

In the quiet realm of shadows deep,

Where earthly sorrows softly sleep,

I\'m Death, the silent, gentle guide,

To take you on your final ride.


In my arms, you\'ll find your rest,

In the cradle of the eternal quest.

The end of life, a timeless art,

A passage to the otherworldly heart.


I\'m not an enemy, but a friend,

In this journey, there\'s no end.

From dust to dust, we all return,

In the cosmic dance, we cease to yearn.


In the silence, I\'ll hold you tight,

In the everlasting embrace of night.

Fear me not, for I\'m a part of the whole,

In the grand design, I\'m your peaceful soul.


In the realms of stars, where spirits fly,

In the gentle touch of the cosmic sky,

I\'ll lead you to a world unknown,

In the great adventure we all must own.