
Fear and Dispair

In the darkest depths where emotions dwell,

There lies a chasm, a divide untold,

A boundary between Despair and Fear,

A contrast vast, a story to unfold.


Despair, with its heavy, suffocating weight,

A void that consumes, eroding all hope,

It grips the soul, in a relentless embrace,

Shattering dreams, like a shipwrecked boat.


Like an instant of collision upon the seas,

Despair strikes like waves against the shore,

Leaving wreckage and fragments of the self,

A wounded spirit, forevermore.


But Fear, dear friend, stands at a different shore,

A phantom that lurks in shadows unseen,

It haunts the mind, with whispers and doubts,

Projecting terrors where none have been.


Unlike Despair\'s instantaneous blow,

Fear lingers, evolving, shifting its form,

A continuous battle in the depths of thought,

A trepidation that withstands the storm.


The mind, in Despair, remains stagnant, still,

No motion, no progress, no chance to grow,

Like the serene eye of an ancient bust,

It resigns to accept what it cannot know.


Contentment lies in the face of the unknown,

The acceptance of what lies beyond our grasp,

For the mind, like the eye upon a forehead,

Finds peace in acknowledging its limitations, at last.


So let us navigate this intricate realm,

Where Despair and Fear weave their tangled threads,

Choosing to face these adversaries bold,

With strength and resilience as we tread.


For Despair, though a wreck that shatters the soul,

Holds potential for healing, for growth, for grace,

And Fear, though it whispers the tales of uncertainty,

Can be tamed, subdued, in life\'s intricate maze.


With minds open, and hearts unafraid,

We embrace the moments between joy and strife,

For in this dance of Despair and Fear,

We discover the beauty, the essence of life. (\"Fear and Dispair\") by Courtney Weaver Jr.