
The Mask

Wide and grinning lays the Mask

Upon the floor I pick it up off everyday

I slip it on and let everyone see it, an easy task

Allowing them to see just the happy display

Now, this Mask you see, was no ordinary one

But rather one that comes with a price

Of never healing the pain and sorrow felt inside - 

An out-of-tune guitar never strung.

However, I choose to ignore the price, for my consanguine relationship

With the Mask is too great

And its too late

To convince me to stop wearing it.

It hides all my consternations, talks through my conversations

For my unholy dissimulation

Still smiling that maddening grin

To hide my true disreputable face and being

To hide the tears that fall from my chilling red eyes

The mask that guides when those tears stop me from seeing

The Mask that hides my hideous being

Is still smiling that same maddening grin

Maddening, like the things that go through my head

Day by day

The incessant, persistant dread

That never leaves and just stays.

The Mask that guards my wilted ears - 

That guards me from all your sick sneers -

Because of your perpetual disappointment and screaming

Your insatisfaction of everything that leaves me dreaming -

Of the day you will finally leave me alone

Alone, with my beautiful perfect Mask

Alone, something I\'m used to feeling

Like the cold dark that lays when I\'m sleeping

But yet, even with all of this,

The Mask still smiles that maddening grin

And it smiles, and it smiles

Forever radiating happiness

And helps me pretend that I am too happy for a while

Helps me believe that my mind is not yet shattered

Helps me ignore the dark thing I see

- The dark things I think - Like,

The lightning that strikes the unflinching, unforgiving tree

Starts a whole forest fire and how when the universe of life tires

We will all just drown in our own dust

Or go insane from all the broken trust

But perhaps we will all die

From the burning of all our flaming sins

But yet,

The Mask still smiles that maddening grin

The pallid Mask that conceals, but never heals

That I wear each and everyday, leaves a question to contemplate

How come no one can see through it?

I guess no one bothers to, too caught up in their own lives

They don\'t see through the insidious, temporary nepenthe

That the seraphims frown upon because of their fear, see

All they know is that maddening grin

That they look at like a serpents sea.

Sometime I wonder what\'s the point of living

If all there is to it is pain and loss

Because for a while it may feel like your winning

Until you have to pay the cost

Why must I live amongst this pestulant paradox

Where almost all I love are dead, lives stopped like a clock

Or rather, like a broken clock

Why must everything be broken?

Objects, hearts, trust, time, love, all broken

People\'s souls, taken as tokens

But yet

The Mask still smiles that maddening grin

With no regard for the madness around it, the sin

The lies that lie \'round everything

It doesn\'t see the psychotic nature of the world

The sociopathic boys and girls

Nor the darkness or loneliness that seems to press

When all I need is to be at rest

Or need the insaness inside to go away for a while

The Mask still smiles

That maddening grin