sonal monhyung


Is this clock beyond me alive ? 

Which record everything I have tried; 

This question hits me many time 

When I look at it , it continue to bite

One by one each number line 

Andin last return to where it start.


If someday I happy a lot ,

And do dance or play with crafts ;

It continues to recording me 

And try to say , do what you like ! 

It reminds me of my teacher 

Who says to do my work on time .


If someday I sad a lot ,

And cry in corner of the wall 

It continues to recording me ,

And try to say , wake up today ! 

It reminds me of those leaders 

Who say bad day is your examination!


Then this question hits me 

Is this clock beyond me alive ? 


At the night , if I look at it 

I remind all my works 

Which I did today and 

At time where I sat down at rest .

Like a camera, it record me 

And my past , continue to present.


All the summary get remind at once 

When I look at it at any time .

Then this question hits me 

Is this clock beyond me alive ?,

Which record everything I have tried,

Of my past and also my present.