
A Dance With Perception

In the depths of my mind, lies a disease,

A distortion of sight that\'s hard to appease.

It twists my perception, distorts what I see,

Showing a world that may not truly be.


\"We don\'t see things as they are,\" they say,

\"But as we are,\" in our own unique way.

A kaleidoscope of thoughts, colors, and fears,

Shaping our vision, mired in past years.


Is it a curse or a blessing, this flawed lens?

For in my perception, the truth often bends.

Yet, amidst the chaos and tangled view,

Lies an opportunity, a chance to renew.


I must put things in perspective, seek clarity,

Unravel the knots of my mind\'s disparity.

To understand that my thoughts hold the key,

To unlock the door and set myself free.


For it\'s not the world that\'s distorted, but I,

And it\'s through self-reflection, I\'ll learn to apply,

The wisdom of forgiveness, the power to let go,

Rebalancing my energy, allowing peace to flow.


No need for religion or spiritual belief,

Just a touch of street sense, to bring relief.

For self-forgiveness, the missing link they seek,

Intelligence\'s ally, who\'ll turn the tide at its peak.


So, with each gentle step and every breath I take,

I\'ll embrace self-forgiveness, my balance to make.

And as the burdens lift and my heart feels light,

I\'ll witness the benefits, shining oh so bright.


In this dance with perception, I\'ll find my way,

Through poetry\'s embrace, I\'ll learn to convey,

That amidst the disease, there\'s still hope to find,

A path to clarity, where true vision unwinds. (\"A Dance With Perception\") by Courtney Weaver Jr.