
Back From My Poet Past

I was sitting at my desk,

While looking out the windows.

The sky is somewhat cloudy,

Can’t see which way the wind blows.


I haven’t written much,

Of the lines that I used to.

I moved on from this past,

A new life to adhere to.


I had stopped posting my work,

To this most times cheerful site.

There were times when stuff was dark,

There were people picking fights.


But, I began, again, writing words,

In video versions this time.

To the thoughts I had of things,

In verses that should rhyme.


I am also on this site,

Under my Poet Vids profile.

But, I will focus on WBL,

This is more my style.


So, I got an email today,

About a password to reset.

I have it in a safe place,

And, this time I won’t forget.


I have decided to return,

From my poem writing past.

To this WBL profile,

For my poetry-writing tasks.


Looking at the Dashboard,

Requests to me for friending.

I responded to these poets,

They’re no longer pending.



Just wanted to let you know,

I’m back from my rhyming past.

To bring fresh words to you,

I know it\'ll be a blast!