My backyard

Everything seems upside down  

Skew-wift, not profound. 

As war consumes innocent souls, 

Others safe in their holes.


This is no game.

Not in my backyard.

But it is a shame.

How far can they push, before it breaks, 

The pain widespread, make no mistake. 

Audacious moves,

Fools lead the way.

Good verses evil I hear them say!

Reason stolen with Deception and lies, 

All of this war  who is it for?

To defend democracy, keep the world free?

To kill the infidels, the world\'s disease!

Who would take sides?

It\'s a losers game. 

The puppet master strikes again!

Causing division when we should be one, 

Like lambs to the slaughter we have become. 

I know there\'s a remant, 

From the ashes they rise. 

Death is defeated. 

Who is wise?