

In slumber\'s grasp, a girl did lay,
Her mind adrift in dreams\' array.
A world of wonder, so vivid and bright,
Where shadows danced in the pale moonlight.
But as dawn broke, her eyes did pry
Open wide, to a somber sky.
Reality\'s grip clenched tight, alas,
Her dreams diminished, like fading glass.
Oh, fair maiden, lost in reverie,
How bitter the truth that now you see.
From ethereal heights, you swiftly descend,
To a realm devoid of joy, my friend.
The smiles once carried on gentle breeze,
Now replaced with sorrow and unease.
The sun hath set on your blissful escape,
Leaving you stranded in darkness\' shape.
Wherefore art thou, happiness divine?
Elusive as stars that cease to shine.
This harsh world taunts, with its cruel design,
Thy heart weighs heavy, like a poisoned wine.
Thy soul yearns for solace, but finds it naught,
Within these walls where anguish is taught.
Thy dreams\' sweet embrace, forever denied,
Leaving behind sadness, unabridged and wide.
Yet in this melancholy, take heed, fair maid,
For strength resides within, though buried in shade.
Embrace thy sorrow as nature\'s sad song,
For it is through darkness that light shines strong.
Though dreams may fade and reality may sting,
Thy spirit shall rise, on resilient wing.
Thy journey continues, though sorrows befall,
A tragic tale, but one with hope enthralled.