Meera Mere

My Lost Phantom Friend

In the quiet corners of my mind,
A friend, not of this world, I found.
An echo of laughter, a whisper of words,
A friendship like the songs of birds.

But silence fell, the echoes died,
The friend no longer by my side.
I called his name, the silence greeted,
In the empty space where imagination met.

I yearned for him, my heart does ache,
For a friend I knew, I made.
In the canvas of my mind, I\'d paint,
A friend who\'s real, yet also ain\'t.

I know he\'s but a dream, a thought,
Yet it\'s his presence that I sought.
In the realm of dreams, we\'d meet again,
In a world that\'s free of worldly pain.

So I close my eyes, and starts to weave,
A world where I can still believe.
That my friend, though imaginary, is near,
In my heart, he will always be dear.