
Laughter and Tears

Laughter and tears

Are two very different things

One brings you down

The other makes your heart sing


Tears are for mourning 

For lost lives and chances

That which could never be

And the brokenness in this world 


Some may never see you cry

Because you\'ve built yourself so strong 

But your pillow each night

Will catch every last drop


Sadness and despair 

Loneliness and heartbreak

These are the things for which we cry

The pain lasts forevermore 




Like the sun breaking through the clouds

And the birds warbling a song 

Our laughter is indescribable 

The most beautiful of sounds


Incandescently happy

Laughter is the proof

Of a soul once thought dead 

Peeping out once more


No one can bottle a laugh

It is a fleeting moment

For some it is rare

And others, their constant friend 


No matter how frequent 

Laughter is precious 

Untainted by hurt

And the sadness in this world


Yet we cry hard

Then laugh the next moment

Because we can do both

Sad then joyous 


We laugh so hard we cry

But then we can\'t stop the flood

Because laughter and tears go together 

Both expressions of love


We live, we feel

Its part of being human 

We break just to heal

Not always irreversibly


Laughter and tears

Both so very different 

Yet they are expressions

Of the very best in humanity