Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

The Agony of Jews and Untouchables

The Agony of the Jews:

I did not know until I read

The Book 54, Hadith 103,

And the Book 56, Hadith 139, says that

“The judgment hour will not begin until you fight the Jew until a Jew will hide behind a rock or a tree, and the rock or tree will say, “O Muslim, O Slave of Allah, here is a Jew behind me; come and kill him (Book 54, Hadith 103).”

I did not know until I read the Quran text that I was a canonical-sponsored victim.

I did not know until I read the Quran text that

I am not only physically eliminated but also socially, economically, and sexually enslaved by an Islamist.

I did not know until I read the Quran text that

That is why I am annihilated in every moment historically and canonically in the Quran and outside the Quran in public and private spheres.

I did not realize until October 7 that the modern Holocaust happened in line with the Quran\'s message.

It is written in the Quran book of 54 Hadith 103 that I should be annihilated from the earth.

I understand from book 54, Hadith 103, that the Quran followers annihilated me on October 7.

It is written in the Quran to eliminate me from the earth.

I understand the Quran and its ideologues.

When they are shouting to gas me in Australia, the USA, New Zealand, Canada, Germany, France, the UK, Europe, and the West, and everywhere

I understand it.

When they killed my elderly Jewish man in the USA

I understand it.

When Colombia, Cambridge

Oxford, Stanford, London,

Western and European knowledge centers are preaching, teaching, mobilizing, sponsoring, campaigning, and voicing anti-Semitic ideologies.

They are sponsoring and awarding my lynchers.

I understand Islamic ideology.

When lynching mobs are searching airports to lynch me

I understand Islamic ideology.

I understand the European way of life.

When lynching mobs are searching for me to kill at Western and European knowledge centers

They are sponsoring and awarding my lynchers.

I did not know until I read the Hitler or Nazi text of September 16, 1919, that I was a racially-sponsored victim.

I did not know until Hitler’s Vienna Years that \"the ultimate goal must definitely be the removal of the Jews altogether.”

I understood Hitler’s ideology like I understood Islamic ideology and European and Western Christian ideology.

I understand Nazi ideology.

When they were sending me to the gas chambers

And when they eliminated my 7 million Jewish race from the earth.

I understand so-called liberals, leftists, feminists, and Jihadist allies when they are shouting against my survival, against my existence, and against my life itself.

I understand it even in our 2023 years.

When October 7 happened in Israel and

When they are destroying our Holocaust graveyards, symbols of my identity, signing them with Aryan swastikas, and standing tall with the Jihadists everywhere in Europe and the West

I did not know until I read

Exodus 21:2–6 says that I am a slave.

I understand that I will no longer be a slave in my 7th year.

The Agony of Homosexuality

I did not know until I read
al-A’raf 7:80-84
al-Hijr 15:72-76
Al-Tirmidhi (1456),
Abu Dawud (4462)
Ibn Majah (2561)
Ahmad (2915)
al-Isra 17:32
al-A’raf 7:80
Al-Jawab al-Kafi, p. 260–263.
Al-Siyasah al-Shar’iyyah, p. 138
I should be burned with fire.
I should be thrown down from a high place.
And I should have to face stones thrown at me.
I should be stoned to death.
I understand the Quran and its followers.
When they are beheading my ontology
When they are dismembering my ontology
When they are throwing my body from a height
When they are stoning me to death
When they are lynching me to death

The Agony of the Untouchable:

I did not know until I read        

Dālabhyasmti, Śrīdhara, Smtyarthasāra, Devaṇṇabhaṭṭa, Āhnikakāṇḍa of Smticandrikā, Śātātapasmti, Bhaspatismti, Śūlapāi, Prāyaścittaviveka, Devalasmti, the Yājnavalkya III.30, Vyaghrapada, Brhaspati

I, being an untouchable or a patita woman, can’t approach a Hindu within 16 cubits (16*50 centimeters).

I did not know until I read Hindu texts that

If I approach a Hindu, I should be kept at a distance of one yuga, two, three, and four\'.

I did not know until I read Hindu texts that

Being a caṇḍāla, I cannot approach a Hindu within 16 cubits (16*50 centimeters).

I mean, as Yuga is four cubits, I should not be, and even my shadow should not fall into their entity.

I did not know until I read Hindu texts that I was a canonical-sponsored victim.

I am not only physically eliminated but also socially, economically, and sexually enslaved forever.

That is why I am annihilated every moment historically and canonically in the Hindutva fold.

I understood Hindu scriptures.

When they created me

as untouchable, as unseeable,

as an unshadowble, as an unapproachable,

I understand the Hindu canonical text.

When they made me a walking carrion,

When they made me a walking carcass,

And when they made me a walking corpse

When I read Exodus 21:2,

I understand that a Hebrew slave can be freed after six years.

I am shocked to see a Hebrew slave be free in his seventh year.

But I will be a slave forever, even for my future generation in the Hindutva fold.

The Agony of an Untouchable Black Father:

I had no idea until my first child died in India in 2010.

Killing an Untouchable, written in the Hindu text Vishnu Smriti 5.103, says, “A man belonging to a caste that is not touched and willingly touching the three [higher] castes shall be killed.”

I understand when my first baby’s Hindu grandparents and aunty killed my first child in the name of honor.

I did not know until I read Jeremiah 13:23 that the Bible has sponsored the killing of blacks until I lost my second son Stanford to German racism in Germany on July 4, 2023.

I only found out when I visited Brazil, Australia, Ethiopia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Belgium, and India that black Christians and Jewish people are victims of Europeans and Jihadists.

The victims of religious canons are always socially ostracized groups like Jews and untouchables

The Agony of the Black:

I did not know until I read

Jeremiah 13:23 I am a man of evil.

I understand it.

When they enslaved me for 400 years

I understand it.

When they raped my black mother

When they raped my black wife

When they raped my black daughters

When they raped my black sisters

When they lynched my black forefathers and fathers and my sons and daughters

I understand it.

When they colonized my black body and tears