
Hold My Hand

Hold my hand when shadows loom,
When darkness threatens to consume.
In the depths of despair, where hope may fade,
Together we\'ll face the odds that are laid.

When the world feels heavy, burdens too great,
When dreams seem unreachable, left to fate,
Take solace in knowing you\'re not alone,
For united we stand, our strength brightly shown.

Let not the whispers of doubt fill your ears,
Embrace resilience, conquer your fears.
For in the face of adversity, we shall rise,
A flame ignites within, a fire defies.

Though the odds may taunt, and challenges persist,
Our spirits won\'t waver, our will won\'t resist.
With determination as our guiding light,
We\'ll surpass every obstacle, with all our might.

Hold my hand, and let courage unfurl,
For together we\'ll conquer, as we navigate this whirl.
In unity, we\'ll find the strength to endure,
To rewrite our stories, with faith firm and pure.

So, dear friend, when hope seems out of sight,
Reach out your hand, let us join in this fight.
Know that I\'m here, steadfast by your side,
Together we\'ll conquer, with love as our guide