
Angry Note

Goddamn I can barely fucking breath

Constricted by all the mess and patriarchy

That have been constructed by this stupid school

That continuously breaks their own shitty rules

I\'m tired of all you self-centered assholes

How are you so full of yourself

I wont deal with your pretentiousness no more

So go fuck with someone else

I\'m sick of all you preppy rich ass bitches

Get the fuck out my shit unless you want stitches

And no, I\'m not sorry for being so vulgar

Because damn I\'m sick of this bullshit

Like, stop being a dick while you resemble a vulture

But then you wanna cry when you\'re called an ugly bitch

And don\'t even let me get started on the teachers

Retarded, low-life creatures

Or the dumbass principals

Who gets people in trouble for no reason

Barely make an appearance

How predictable

I can\'t even have a real friend

Who doesn\'t talk a bunch of shit

Yet I have to deal with all this

Over and over again

The endless tyranny

Dumbass social differences

No, I won\'t be with you momentarily

Fuck off, I don\'t think that needs any inferencing