

Yep, keeping up the alliterations in my titles, where I can

Makes them more memorable, I think

But why this short title? says Fido

And why 18+?


Well, I got a poem for ya

I\'ve seen the word in full appearing in some poems

I\'m too sheltered to use it in full, of course!

Here\'s the poem.... it might be a repost on here. lol


Ohhh, F, F, F, and F

And furthermore F, F, F, and F

Ohhh grrrrrr, fumes and rants...

F, F. F, F, and even F!!

I got two words to say to ya

The second one is \'off\'!


Steady on, says Fido

You\'ve turned the air blue

It\'ll only bring on a swoon for you, ya know

But don\'t you forget

To mark this poem 18+

Or I will bark at you, my master

And throwing me a bone won\'t shut me up!


My next poem could be KP, KP.......

But no one would survive

Reading the horrific details of it all!
