

Who decides a person\'s fate

Who is the powers that be

Who would determine which life\'s been fulfilled

Who pulls the rug from under one\'s feet


What would it take to earn much more time

What kind of price to be paid

What\'d be a reason to draw the line

What of the will to survive


Where goes a soul the moment one perish

Where does the lost refuge seek

Where would it wait or

Where does it roam free

Till reckoning day itself reveals


Is it true that life can expire

Long before one\'s time is due

Might an extended reckless circle

Cut short one life or two


Who, what, where or why

These questions of answers we seek

Since the beginning of time

Exposed it was

Throughout our globe

Holy books so speak

Introduce each self to your Lord

In order to not forever be damned

One truth in each of us be known

Oneself determine one\'s fate

The only real question of all is this

Does one truly deserve this precious gift

Of the glorious life

Each of us have received