
Story of Sorry...

I am sorry.

Such a small statement.

Yet it has the power to join relations.

What does a sorry indicate?

Does a sorry mean that you are wrong?

No it simply means that you care

about the relation more than yourself.

You want the relation back.

You want that person back in your life.

The smiles, the laughter, the craziness

you both shared your way along.

You want those memories back. 

You want to live those experiences.


But is saying sorry that simple? No. 

For that you must have \" Courage \"

\"Empathy\" and foremost \"Care\" for 

the other person. 

If you aren\'t a human, I don\'t think 

you will ever say a sorry!


So, the next time you make a mistake

or in your relation break into a fight...

Please dear, keep your ego aside and say \" Sorry \".


So the next time, you are right, 

did not make a mistake, but break into a fight,

and receive a sorry from the other person,

my dear, don\'t wait.

Forgive, and accept that sorry, before it\'s too late!


- Sahil Dhobale