Positive Girl

I Hated Them

I was only a little girl

Was with my sisters

He was yelling so loud

I\'m not sure what we did

Was it so bad

I would remember if it was

He told my mom

Pull their pants down

She did what she was told

He kept hitting our butts

We were all so little 

Screaming and screaming 

I remember the pain

The screaming 

Our poor little butts

So many more to come

With a belt or their hands

Tried to forget being choked 

So scared I just peed

The lit cigarette throw in my sisters face

I hated them 

It really sucked for all of us

The older ones remember more pain

As the years moved on I could never be close to them

But grew to understand why they were the way they were

He made his peace with me before he died

I became friendlier with mom in the later years

I can say I loved them in the end

It just took time