GenXer Shamrocker ☘️

Thoughts before bed

How long the day has been; Asher is ready for bed. He may not get sleep tonight; too many thoughts are in his head. He’s relieved that his mom is lessening his load. He’s not certain if this is the right path or road. He promised to always take care of her. This makes him feel like some what of a failure. Thoughts of Tracy come to mind too. How easy it was for her to leave out of the blue. Asher loved her completely. Never again will he give his heart away that easily. He also is reminded of his childhood friend; it’s been fifteen years since he last seen Amethyst. She lived next door to him many years ago. Once they both graduated from high school, Amethyst left for college and their friendship couldn’t uphold. Amethyst was beautiful and cared deeply for Asher; he wanted to be with her but couldn’t work up the courage to ask her. She had bigger plans for her life; so he let her go; it was a hard sacrifice. Their friendship meant the world to him; he wonders tonight what might’ve been. Could Amethyst be the missing piece? I guess you’ll have to wait and see!