Accidental Poet

A Heavenly Course


In your day

The course was all yours

Master of ball and club

Just short of the PGA Tour


You loved the game

And the game loved you

 At home on the fairway

On the putting green too


Growing up, I never realized

How great a man you really were

Now looking back

More like you I wish I were


I wish I’d played golf with you

Spent more time listening

To the memories you spoke of

Paid more attention to my dad I was hearing


Hindsight, a double-edged sword

Appreciating the past

With tear filled eyes

Sorry it went by so fast


You’d watch golf on TV

I could see it in your eyes

How you still wanted to play

Your Heaven under blue skies


And now you play a Heavenly course

With all your golfing buddies

Showing them all how it’s done

In Country Club studies


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2023