Hopeless/the problem

Parents war!!!!

As the rays of sun strike my eyes,
I know the day has arise...
But I still dwell into my sleep,
Covering my eyes before they could weep..
Because the sound I try & ignore,
Stops me from continuing my snores..
And when I open my eyes to see the bright sunlight,
All I can see is my lovely parents fight..
What worse could the day begin,
Slowly slowly the frustration creeps in..
And as I continue with my every daily chore,
The noise continues to increase more & more..
I think fighting was the fun of their life,
And so they choose to be husband & wife..
This goes on all day till night,
Sometimes I think was I born in a fight? ?
Dad pays for all my expenses,
Mom fulfills my tummy senses..
but still my life\'s equally hard,
Because I feel I am with a cook & a credit card..
So if your parents love you, love them even more,
Because you are lucky then someone for sure

But next thing I know knifes are getting thrown.

Screaming getting made. And there is no more kids there to behave

I am gone same as my sister and now you act like blisters,

that will never go away the pain you put me through shall stay.

I am now in some strangers house.

All these years I have been moving family\'s,

And you don\'t care because you weren\'t there.
