
I don\'t know why I am feeling like this again

I don’t know why I am feeling like this again,

I don’t know why I am feeling unworthy again,

I thought that this had ended,

But it looks like it is getting worse every day.


I have been trying to put these thoughts away,

But they are swimming back to me with a full speed,

I tried to forget what was happening to me,

And here I am experiencing them all at once.


To be honest I am drowning in a black sea,

And it looks like there is no one to save me,

I am trying to call but it looks like there no one hearing,

And even those hearing me aren’t running to help.


I am trying to swim back to the shore,

But these currents are forcing me to drown deeper,

God what’s happening to me,

I think I am losing myself again.