While warriors roar for women\'s rights,

The masses only see their sights,

And celebrate, with shouts and cheers,

Without a thought for those who fear.

Their quest for pleasure, full of might,

With drinks and dances, late at night,Indulge in actions, deemed blight,

That make them be, a destructive might.

Yet women, they’re like flowers rare,

Whose fragrance fills the earth and air,

They should rise up, and take a stand,

For their rights, across the land.

Against harassments, they should fight,

For girl child\'s education, so bright,

Appointments and elections right,

And politics, women be at the height.

For women\'s rights, they stand so strong,

Against oppression, they will belong,

With men\'s attitude, they won\'t prolong,

Their strength, their beauty will prolong.