

Have you ever felt happy in your life,

If yes that’s definitely what I am feeling right now,

But to be honest it is all for wrong reasons,

My dear friend and enemy is sad,

Therefore, the mission accomplished I am happy.


I know that I am happy for wrong reasons, but I can’t help it,

I have been waiting for the day I will see him crying and here he is,

Why wouldn’t I celebrate for a minute at least?

He had been bullying me for years,

Laughing that my parents were poor and here he is crying.


Do you know the funny thing he called me to tell me what happened,

As if I care whether he die or not,

He said that their family have lost everything,

And boom that’s great I mean I am sorry, but he was laughing at my family the other day.


To be honest I never thought that I could get this opportunity,

Where he will see that poverty was not my choice.

He asked me to give him advice,

Ooh God I just laughed because if I had one,

I would have cured my family out of this curse.



Welcome my dear friend, now you can understand why I used to wear torn shoes!

You can understand why I walked on foot everyday while you came in different cars according to the day.

You can understand why I skipped lunch pretending that I am fasting,

You can understand why we never sleep whenever it’s raining,

Due to the fear that house might collapse anytime soon.


Ooooh God, you answered my prayers and revenged on my behalf,

Ooh Lord now he can understand why I don’t own any designer clothes,

Or why I don’t own any shoes at all,

I wish I could laugh at him in face but no I can’t.

I am supposed to act as un understanding friend.


I know you think that I am wicked, but I don’t think that I am,

I am just happy that God had finally did justice for me,

He showed those who bullied me that things can change in a matter of seconds,

And I can’t wait to see all the others failing in my eyes.


I know everyone thinks that I am wicked now,

But what if you were me, wouldn’t you laugh?

Imagine a stupid, laughing at you because you haven’t eaten,

Imagine someone making fun of you over the fact that you don’t have designer clothes,

Ooooh my God, I think that I am in fact a great person.


I mean don’t judge me, because I am happy for my friend’s disgrace,

But he has never been my friend,

In fact, he is nothing other than a daily nuisance in my life,

I hate him with my whole life, and I wish to never see him again,

But we are stuck for life, we live in the same neighborhood.