
Running/ Resting

I feel nothing

But everything

Stuck in a cloud

Of crowded isolation


So I run

With the wind

Gliding its cool fingers through my hair

And the ground holds me up

And follows

Foot by foot

Mile by mile

The flowers

Smile up at me

From the soft ground, they lay in

Bright colours of bliss

Intricate life

So delicately constructed


But resilient


The clouds

Float freely above me

White and wispy

Objects of freedom

And peace


My heartbeat quickens

As I realize

I\'ve gone too far

To fast

So I slow to a walk

And rest...


I rested,

seated on a bench

overlooking a street

as cars fly by

time seems to pass

at the same speed

in a blur of color

and noise


And it seems to stop

in a sudden silence

with the sun

setting in the distance

streaks of gold and orange

like a painting

and I sat and


I watched the sun

lower itself 

closer to the horizon

as the stars

began to show their faces...