
On My Best Behavior

A co-worker and I,

Are on the same team.

Lately, myself ask,

Will he be nice or just mean?


I sit across from him each day,

Paying attention to his speech.

Together, trying to find,

An agreement to reach.


I listen to his pros,

And, then to his cons.

I express my thoughts,

And, do not drone on.


I look at his expression,

Will his reaction be nice?

Or, on eggshells should I tread?

Just to avoid another fight?


Then the words that come out,

Of that unpredictable mouth,

Hurt my feelings once again,

Making my good day go south.


When he acts this way,

I keep a straight face.

Try to stay away from him,

Give him plenty of space.


I try to remain positive,

Pleasant in my behavior.

To get through these times,

This approach is my savior.


I need advice and some help,

Should I turn to astrology?

Seek advice from the stars?

Will I ever get an apology?