Thomas W Case

Classical Felines

My landlord gave
me two black kittens.
Little balls of fluff.
I sent pictures to
my sister.
She said they have
eye infections, and not
to use hydrogen peroxide,
because it will blind them.
The thought never crossed
my mind.  I thanked her.
They are semi-feral,
but they are warming right
up to domestication.
I was like that too.
I enjoy my simple  life now.
Fishing and writing, I take
vitamins and clean cat shit
off my bed.
We are working on the
concept of the litter box.
I play classical music for them.
They like Vivaldi, but prefer
Mozart, D minor seems
their favorite key.
I don\'t know if they are
male or female, all I
see is a little pink dot, and
they aren\'t real fond of
me looking.
Bukowski for a male
and Emily for a female.
If they are both males
or both females, I don\'t
know what the hell I
will call them.
The bigger of the two is
sleeping next to me while
I write this.
I\'ll be a son of a bitch,
he\'s smiling, or she,
while sixteenth notes rip
through the burnt
umber autumn morning.