
Within the Shadows

In the depths of gloom, where shadows dance,

Where sorrow weaves its intricate trance,

Emerges a glimmer, a gentle ray of light,

Guiding our souls through the darkest night.


For in the darkness, where pain does reside,

A beacon of hope, love will confide,

A flicker of truth, amidst the lies,

Like stars in the heavens, forever aligns.


It is in darkness that true strength is found,

A resilience within, in depths profound,

Amidst shattered dreams and aching pain,

Our spirit awakens, rising again.


For every tear shed, a lesson we learn,

A chance to be reborn, to unconditionally yearn,

To endure the tempest, both bold and meek,

Embracing the light that sorrow does seek.


So, let sorrow be the catalyst for grace,

An offering to seek light in every trace,

To find our purpose within life\'s grand scheme,

And emerge stronger from darkness redeemed.


For within the shadows, we uncover our might,

Learning compassion, humility, and insight,

And as we emerge from sorrow\'s darkest plight,

The light grows radiant, illuminating our sight.


So, let not the sorrow deter or dismay,

Let it be a compass, guiding the way,

For it is in darkness that we truly perceive,

The unyielding light, waiting to relieve. (\"Within the Shadows\") by Courtney Weaver Jr.