

Day by day the tree outgrows its previous version.

Beautiful bliss I am feeling, a natural antidote to painstaking societal immersion.

The warmth of the tree gathers on my face, receptors ever so electrified to fully embrace.

The tree has stood through all four seasons, supporting, fuelling, inspecting and breathing.

Autumn has arrived now and the tree is aware

“Get out of the cold young man, no reason to bare”.

I continue to sit as a cool breeze dances against my body hoping for engagement with my skin.

Appreciation of the elements compels my thoughts to trickle.

With my attention then turning back to the tree, not worrying about being fickle.

Recognition is felt and I enter the warmth upon second request.

Who am I to say no to an inanimate tree?

My thoughts diverge as I begin to consciously direct my gratitude towards the entirety of the tree.

Something feels different now.

I begin to sense the awareness the tree has of its duties and tap into the appreciation it is caring for.

The source of this appreciation does not belong to me and was of complete external origination.

My flattery did not disturb the obvious grounding of this tree through the deep connecting roots I only imagine to see.

A lesson is learnt on this day, from this tree, on a blustery autumn morning. 

A break from external validation and expectations, while finding your own purpose as a set goal, no sight of adjourning.