
Too Much Love Of Self

 Too much love of self  for you not a good thing
Just leave it to others your praises to sing
Though you must love yourself in a normal sort of way
For to love other people in truth one can say
Too much love of self to narcissism can lead
And of narcissistic leaders we regularly hear of and read
And by their sort every day life dreams are destroyed
And because of them so many good people have died
It is true if you cannot love self you cannot love anyone 
But by those with too much love of self  good things for others seldom done
In the darkness of their mind grow the narcissism seed
And of more of their sort the Human World not in need
Those with too much love of self carry self love too far
Their egos are linked to the size of their home and their car
The impressionable minded they well may impress
But in the World their sort never spread happiness
Those with a healthy love of self to others are kind
And to the performing of good deeds are readily inclined
But those with too much love of self of not nice people of to know
As their sort sadly lack in the bright inner glow.