
High Above Verbena

high above Verbena

perfect blue

a bucket-full of baggage


kissing wind as shapes of something else;


from this, a perfect prose

of devil-weed

drinking late

a tavern-blood

thicker than the spit of infamy;


choking on the vomit of a kiss

through a history of trees

bound by love

in an oregano shell of incarnate;


as heavy as the semen on a quill

that pumps it\'s thirteen numbers on my back

foliage free

as naked as a whisper through a crack.


no turning back

no hacking cough to hide a lullaby.

a better way to fly

hanging with the acorns

through the circus of a smile;


look close my eyes as painted in a scream

I am lost in Daubigny\'s Garden

in a suicidal dream;