
Do it


Day after day


I Stretch forth


I push forward


Promising dreams ahead

Only I can turn my past misery into present striding

toward fulfilling future success


Although I’m not perfect

I am valuable and definitely worth it


Like a phoenix I have fallen many times

However  every time shooting through the ashes of adversity


I’m still here ,,,

Doing this thing called ‘’Life”


I maintain diligence no matter the feat

Failing is common akin but I will never give up


I live for thé burdened the oppressed

Those black sheep’s always transform into the GOATS

Ridicule is training wheels for the ones that make impact on the world

My personal favorites

Tupac, Maya Angelou and Michael Jackson


Showing the love that is few and far between represented


I know the power of feelin to the deepest depths

the abyss known like the Familarity of the name I’ve had all my days counting


Shoot to the stars unknown and limitless


Like the potential of our people unknown and limitless


B recognized for being legit a

B authentic

Never conform

Make it a point to transform

Your self and the world around you


Idk bout y’all but my love language is endurance through Fucked up circumstances




That’s apart of life


Roses are red violets are blue

That thing called life

I aint afraid of you