Your Girlfriend


Long pleated skirt, blouse tucked in

Tending the garden, Ma.

Under the hot sun toiling;

Pot on the stove boiling


Clothes rinsed and already spinning,

Hair greying and thinning

With eyes that’s seen two generations over but 

Are still shining.

Hands firm and skin hard from years of work on the farm,

With a fading delicate tattoo on the edge of your palm.

Waking me up early after my mother leaves,

Walking me to catch the bus to school;

Lunch packed, with my treats chilled and cool, Ma.

Waving goodbye when I leave, waving hello when I’m back home;

Lying in your hammock under the breeze, un-knotting my hair with your big tooth comb.

You were someone to confide in,

Even though at times I got your chiding.

At night we’d sit and talk, you’d tell me of stories from your earlier days

Sometimes I regret I didn’t listen more to what you had to say.

Seeing you now tender and weak,

My heart aches as I bow to your feet where your toes are curled,

Thanking God for the blessing that my grandma, is a mother and more to me in this world.


***If your grandparents are with you and alive, give them an extra hug today***