Thomas W Case

A Writer

I just have to write.
Fuck everything else.
I\'ve suffered for my art,
and there\'s no doubt that
I will suffer more.
We all have our agony,
that\'s life and I accept
my plight.
I am what I am
(as Popeye would say.)
And I couldn\'t change
it if I wanted to.
I remember one night,
staying in an abandoned
I wrote some poems on
the walls.
I saw the words in
the moonlight through
a broken window.
Even though I was famished,
I hadn\'t eaten in
three days,
at that moment, I became
full and complete.
I knew right then,
as long as I had the words;
my words, I would never
feel empty again.
My black satchel full of
writing and the clothes
on my back were all
I owned.
I had no idea where I
was going at dawn,
but I sure the fuck knew
who I was.