
Happy Birthday Dad.

On this day ninety eight years ago

He was born,

My Dad was born,

A man that showed me the way,

The way in this world,

Showing me that respect is everything.

Into my world he brought music,

Music that has been with me,

Been with me all my seventy five years.

He led me up the path of decency

Which I have tried to show all my life.

He passed into a new world

Two months before reaching seventy.

When I look in the mirror

I see him in me,

And am so grateful to him still

For showing me the way,

The way to live a decent life.

I know I will see him again

And once more we will sit together

Listening to Haydn

As we talk and laugh with each other

In that new world full of peace,

Full of peace, joy and love.