Felix Ogechi

Woman Seed

The girl she was yesterday, swiftly gone
The woman she is today, tightly borne
A thousand tears, a little smear yet so deep
A thousand miles, a little smile yet so deep
Some hopes raised, some hopes dashed
Some homes raised, some homes crashed
The petite feet patter in the rain, the swinging flatter of the maze
Take away the batter and the pain, the torturing flicker of the 
Let her stand in the rightful place as the man
For sapien in nature, she has been built too
In her you find the man in you, call it resilient, independent, 
In her you find the baby in you, call it emotional, tender, 
In her you find the woman in you, call it loving, supportive, 
In her you find the You, the society she procreates
Education, Affluence, Power, Equality
Provide her everything, she provides you everything & you have a 
balanced nation.