

Wednesday 18 November 2015


The calm after the storm belies the force above still pushing past the heavy wisps in varying shades of grey and white;
The storm that hit in the early hours toppled heavy bottomed bins redistributing its inner wealth to the dark street in ghostly garbage bags billowing as they\'re blown;
The storm that hit the fence and tore through the heavy rotting post, placed this wooden quilt across the bed, flowerless now in winter foliage, powerless to defend against the twice toppled tree;
The storm that hit the trees finished off autumns natural ways, few leaves now left on branches but fill gutters utterly, blocking drains to make a mockery of the rains;
The storm that now abates awaits another push as isobars narrow, giving their contours down which the air can glide, a roller coaster in natural form on which a storm can ride!