
Golden calf

At the foot of a burned world\'s grave 

I picked up the crumpled past 

of a 10  golden cheddar...

  Dry spring  mamal mothers 

offering their  salvation

to vaticinating cardinals...

   O great  mamon ! 

The statue stripping off 

    its stone dress  

   O  Babylon !

my abyss  for a kiss ! 

Manhattan lone  crackers...

I contemplated  the rotten fish wave ,

bringing petrified geants to life !

  \'\' Welcome home captain smith ! \'\'

Scribbler, on  the wall of vanity,

draining  sentences of your worlds....

  Volatile volcanoes,vagrancy, vacuousness,

poor jester going back to  nothingness ...

Stoles,stars,yarmulkes ,jehovas  ,fuss and timbuktu,

dancing in the sewers of history...

Faiths ,laws and lights ,scavanged  remains,

once the meal finished on the vomit

of a put-pudding  philosophy ...

Exhausted the round of pleasures ,

on a 10  golden cheddar  I flush !